My PCP is finished?!
・レジスタンスバンドで、腕の筋肉(上腕二頭筋・上腕三頭筋 等)を鍛えた事で、ヨガでのいくつかのポーズが今まで以上にスムーズに動ける様になってきました。もちろんブログで何度も触れていますが、実は根っからの力持ち、日用品の買い出しにもこの身体が役立っています。
At last! My 90 day Peak Condition Project is finished! There were a lot of changes to my body and behaviors over the course of these three months. I have a great physical base to work from now.
I was lucky in that most days I had the chance to train with other PCPers. This meant that I couldn't cheat on my exercises and really helped keep my motivation high. So a big thanks to Kaz, Kumiko, and Patrick!
Now of course I'm thinking a lot about how to keep my condition past these 90 days. From all that jumproping my cardiovascular health is much better. I want to start jogging and using some of that energy for other types of exercise.
The work with the resistance bands improved my arm strength a lot and I'm finding many yoga poses are much smoother and easier to execute than before. I talked about on this blog how I was already pretty strong, now with my arms in as good a shape as the rest of me everyday tasks like shopping are much easier.
My metabolism is running very high now. After I finished I celebrated by eating a lot of sweet and salty things. But now my mouth feels kind of burned and my energy is lower. So I really miss my apples and healthy PCP diet, and will be going back to it soon!
Most people return to carbs, vegetable and protein during the last few weeks of the PCP, but I'm going to keep the apple and milk dinner because I'm so close to losing the last of my tummy fat. I talked to Chen and he said after another 3 months I'll be able to see my abs. I also need to step up my ab work of course!
As much as possible I'm going to keep up my training and diet, and I definitely know how to make better choices now. I want to come back to this blog from time to time to report on my progress, to keep everyone informed and my motivation up!
Day-89 Wow! Almost Finished
I want to say today's workout is a crazy! One set had four kinds of exercise.
I stopped thinking and I can remember that was like, just doing it.
But the workout with everyone is so much fun. We encouraged each other, grunting and screaming with each other. And finding best way to do the exercises.
Still V-sit is little bit hard for me. One time Kumiko told me if you put a folded blanket under the hips its much more comfortable. Yeah! It felt better!
Day-87 Damn!
So I want to tell everybody the last 5 days workout are super mega hard. It's using the whole body in a day's menu. You can feel the muscle is burning and getting big after the sets! Wow!!
Yesterday I went to the shopping mall to get a coffee table I ordered by bicycle. I also needed to buy a ream of A4 sized printing paper. After I bought the paper, the cashier lady said, "These purchases are heavy, take care carrying it." I said "Thanks for your kindness." But after that I bought the coffee table, which was totally heavier than the papers. When I went home on the bicycle, carrying all this stuff, I thought "Damn, I'm pretty tough!"
Crazy for Cupcakes
Now I'm ready for sweets. I can't wait anymore.
Even this kids cupcake maker was driving me crazy!!
I was running around the house shouting "I want that!!!"
4 more days!
Even this kids cupcake maker was driving me crazy!!
I was running around the house shouting "I want that!!!"
4 more days!
Day-85 Still...
Jumping With I'm From Barcelona
I found some more good songs for morning jumprope. I already knew this record so I was singing while I jumped!
You know there are many styles of jumping rope. My style is jogging in place.
These songs match perfectly!! Usually I can only go for 1 minute straight. But with these songs it was easy to do 2 minutes! They're peaceful songs.
You know there are many styles of jumping rope. My style is jogging in place.
These songs match perfectly!! Usually I can only go for 1 minute straight. But with these songs it was easy to do 2 minutes! They're peaceful songs.
今日は大人3人(Patrick, Kaz and me!)で屋上にて横浜の風に吹かれながら縄跳びとワークアウト。屋外はちょっと恥ずかしい気分が私にはまだある。でもやっぱりワークアウト後は爽快だ!
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