
ご褒美day-3 : Third Indulgence

Tonight I went to a French restaurant with my co-workers.
This restaurant is kind of famous. From the moment you step through the door, you feel like, "Am I in Paris?" because the interior is totally different from Japan. It has purple walls and wine-red table settings. I was already excited before dinner.
We had a glass of champaign. The evening's menu went from an amuse-bouche to five dishes including fish, meats, and a variety of vegetables. The last course was dessert with a diced persimmon and cream cheese topping.
After that was a rich chocolate tart with pistachio sauce and ice cream. My stomach was full!

Let's check tonight dinner:

Carbohydrates were only two small pieces of bread.
There was fresh fish, meat and delicate vegetables. They weren't junk, just nutritious proteins and fiber.
The mushrooms were soooo yummy, it's now the season for them.
I understood that really great restaurants don't load their dishes with empty carbs. (Like that pasta restaurant I talked about last entry) I never thought about this before the PCP.



1 件のコメント:

Patrick さんのコメント...

Now THAT is an indulgence. Learn well future PCPers...