I'm eating correctly, enjoying my daily workout, sleeping well, and my body functions are all in sync!
I know my body is building muscles. If I get enough sleep, I don't have any strong muscle soreness.
It's really interesting how your body repairs itself as you sleep.
Tonight, I made "Ady's Famous Spicy Turkey-Patties" tuna version. I really appreciate Emiko taking the time to post the recipe.
Before, I tried to make some food using some spices, but I had no ideas... Japanese food uses the same simple spices and flavors, so I don't know much about how to use other countries flavors.
Now my hands have a turn patty smell! I can't wait to eat my lunch tomorrow! :D
Thanks again Adrian,Emiko, and her mum.
Adrian&Emiko、 Em’s mumに感謝感謝!
2 件のコメント:
Hey Kazue,
So glad to see that you used out recipe! We have never tried it with fish, but let us all know how it turns out. Hope that they are delicious!
*our recipe