
Just Do It

These days I feel like my workout is getting easier, by "easier" I don't mean it's not hard, just that it's more comfortable than before. Because I'm not as sore after my workout as I used to be. Do you remember day-8? I cried during my abs exercise the first few times. But now I'm doing 20 times and more for 4 or 5 sets! Of course I feel tired and pain at that time. During the workout, I check how many sets and reps and feel discouraged. But I just do it. It sounds like a Nike commercial but its true, "JUST DO IT."

PCP8日目を覚えてます? 腹筋運動開始の数回目で痛くて泣きながらエクササイズした私。それが今では、20数回を4,5セット出来てるんです。もちろん悠々でなく、疲れるし痛い。
でも”やるしかない” まるでナイキの宣伝みたいだけど、ホントその通りで”やるっきゃない”!

1 件のコメント:

Adrian and Emiko さんのコメント...

I screamed during planks today.

